Monday, April 29, 2013


I don't know about the rest of you married folk, but there are a lot of things I thought I'd never do once I was married. Oh, I'll NEVER fall asleep without my TV on, NEVER eat off-brand cereal! sidenote: Cinnamon!-fully converted. And, I think the best one was I'll NEVER fight with my husband because we will just be so in love... HA! 

Another thing I get to add to the list is planting a garden. I never thought I'd see the day when I would be jumping for joy over tomato plants, and becoming as giddy as a little school girl while looking at flowers to plant. Especially since most of the flowers I had my eye on were the exact same ones I used to despise planting in my parents' garden.  I guess that's the black hooded figure of adulthood creeping up on me?

Chris and I are so excited for our little salsa garden! We planted tomatoes, green peppers, onions, green onions, and some cilantro. It's kind of become our little child.We are constantly worrying about it's well-being, and just last night, we took out our camping chairs and just sat in front of it and watched it with pure admiration. We're just praying the ground doesn't freeze anytime soon. Apparently you're supposed to plant after Mother's Day? Unfortunately, we didn't get that memo until after we bought all of our plants. We'll see what crazy mother nature has in store for us in good ole Utah. 

Whether we like it or not, the Gourleys are growing--growing up, and growing a garden.


  1. Ha ha! You are a great writer! Oh, and I am sure that the bird feeder won't be far behind.

  2. Next comes a gold fish?

    Then a hamster? (You can probably borrow Lucy.)

    Then a dog?

    And FINALLY I will get a niece or nephew out of you two?

    We've got a ways to go...

    Good luck on the garden!
