Warning: this is a ramble/vent. Brace yourselves.
All last month I was just in a funk. I couldn't really put my finger on what was making my funk so funky, and I'm still not even sure if I can. Last week at work I tried to explain said funk to a co-worker of mine and it just sounded ridiculous when I said it out loud! Granted, it probably
is ridiculous, but I thought I'd at least give it another try explaining it to blog world.
First, a fun fact about Shayli: I hate change. Hate it! Just give me a routine where I can be sure I know what cereal I'm going to have in the morning and what time I'll be home so I can make dinner and watch Netflix accordingly! You know... important things. Anyway, this semester I have felt like I just haven't been able to get into a routine. Some mornings I would have to wake up early and go to class for two and a half hours, and others I would get up early and only have to be in class for half an hour. Where is the consistency, people?! Although, I can't be too upset about getting out of class so early, since that usually resulted in me with a dirty DP in hand while watching the Vampire Diaries.
But it's not just that my classes have had weird schedules that put me in a funk, but also that I'm really not that into my classes. Last semester I was so excited for my classes and now I can't even tell you the name of the classes I'm taking.
Biomechanics..? Kinesiology... err something? Plus I feel like all my professors skipped the magnificent first day of school that consists of going over the syllabus and explaining the flow of the class y'know? Actually, now that I think of it, a lot of my classes didn't even hand out a syllabus... which is probably why I feel like I'm always two steps behind in all of my classes--how am I supposed to follow without the schedule?! I need to know the flow!
It's not even just school that put me into a funk, though. I feel like this semester has just squashed any ounce of wifey I had in me. You wouldn't think sitting at a desk for four hours would be exhausting, but it is! *cue eye rolling* After I come home from work, I just feel exhausted. I can barely get up the energy to cook dinner these days! And cleaning the house? Forget it. You
know it's getting bad when your husband starts scrubbing the bathroom... bless Chris. Bless him. It may sound normal to some of you that I don't want to cook dinner and clean my house but that's not my normal--I LOVE doing both of those things! Seriously, I ask Chris on a regular basis if I can just quit everything and be a stay-at-home-wife (just wife! that mom stuff still looks a little too hard for me...) to which his reply is always, "No."
Speaking of Chris.... have you seen him? Because I haven't. At least that's what it's felt like this past month. Any night that I was home, he had basketball, and any night the he happened to be home, I would be at Zumba (because hello! I'm going on a cruise! And that bikini body isn't going to form itself!). Even on the weekends I felt like we didn't see each other...even if we were together all weekend it just felt like we had other things going on and not really spending "Chris and Shayli" time... ya know? *cue more eye rolling* And to top it all off... my phone got stolen before I even got the chance to take a selfie and show the instagram world my new dark hair (thanks again, Ali!), but don't worry I'm sure there will be one in the works soon... I just need to learn how to use my new phone.
....Am I completely ridiculous for complaining about all this? Answer: yes. But no worries! It's out of my system and in blog land! Plus, I was de-funked today! And it's the beginning of a new month--a short month! And I got to start it out by feeling like a wifey again and going grocery shopping and cleaning my house! Oh, the sparkling counter tops and folded laundry! I have missed you. Oh, and to answer the question you're all dying to know... I'm having multi-grain Cheerios tomorrow ;)
Here's to a funk-free February!
p.s. these kinds of posts will be far and few... I promise.